Darkness Visible General The Importance of Primary Care Doctor Like Nihar Gala in Quitting Addiction

The Importance of Primary Care Doctor Like Nihar Gala in Quitting Addiction

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When you’re suffering from an addiction, it can be hard to find the right doctor. But if you’re looking for a primary care physician who specializes in addiction medicine, you’ve come to the right place.

Addiction is a disease. It’s not something that you can just “get over.” That’s why it’s so important to have a primary care doctor who knows how to treat addiction and will be able to provide you with the care you need. This is when you can ask help from Nihar Gala who specializes in addiction medicine.

When you’re dealing with addiction, every day is different. You might feel like your life is spiraling out of control because you’re constantly struggling with cravings and urges—or maybe you’ve already had some success in getting clean and sober, but now find yourself struggling with relapse.

Whatever stage of recovery you’re in, having a primary care doctor who knows about addiction medicine can help make sure that things don’t get worse.

What Primary Care Doctors Do

Nihar Gala A primary care doctor has many roles: they’ll help you manage your health and wellbeing, handle any issues that arise with chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension, and keep track of all your prescriptions so that you don’t overdose on them. They’ll also be able to refer you to specialists when needed or offer advice about where to go for help with specific issues.

When it comes to addiction medicine, however, there’s one more role that your primary care physician should play: they should be able to treat both mental and physical symptoms of substance abuse. They should understand how your mental state affects your behavior around substances and vice versa; they should also understand how substance abuse affects the body physically—and know how to treat those symptoms as well as any others they might cause (such as withdrawal).


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